Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Last Preview of The Weekend...

It has been a busy weekend to start off a busy week! Four sessions this weekend to edit up before I am officially taking ten days off! I will try to have all of the galleries up this week. I will be posting a few more sneak peaks and filling orders but as off this time next week I am off. I will be answering emails but if you want to put in an order please do so ASAP so I can get it to the lab...And also...if we have talked about a newborn session and your little one comes while I am away please feel free to call or email and I will get you in AS SOON as I can in April! Thanks so much everyone for understanding this is a long needed break for me and my family!

And now...A few maternity shots from today. There are alot to pick from but I edited a few this evening. Hope you love these as much as I do! I am really hoping to get you the link to your gallery by Friday...Enjoy!





About This Blog

Kai Smyth Photography
Red Deer, Alberta

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